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Frédéric GIMELLO-MESPLOMB, Maître de conférences |
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L'Etat et la culture
Niveau : Licence professionnelle Assistant de gestion et de développement culturels
ouvrages g énéraux Chiapello, Eve (1993), L'influence idéologique sur la gestion des organisations culturelles : une comparaison France-Angleterre à la lumière des années Thatcher, Les cahiers de recherche de la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de France, no 457, 72 p. Cochran, June (1990), Entrepreneurial Activity and Synergistic Partnership in Performing Arts, Ann Arbor, Mich., UMI Dissertation Information Service, 82 p. Colbert, François (1993), Le marketing des arts et de la culture, Boucherville, G. Morin, 308 p. DiMaggio, Paul (1986), Nonprofit Enterprise in the Arts: Studies in Mission and Constraint, New York, Oxford University Press, 370 p. [ Ce recueil d'essais traite des différences entre les organismes culturels et les autres types d'organismes du secteur à but non lucratif. Il examine aussi les conflits entre la gestion et la mission artistique. Un des essais offre aussi une perspective européenne.] DiMaggio, Paul (1987), Managers of the Arts: Careers and Opinions of Administrators of US Resident Theatres, Art Museums, Symphony Orchestras, and Community Arts Agencies, Washington, National Endowment for the Arts, 89 p. Dorn, C. (1992), «Arts Administration: A Field of Dreams?», Journal of Arts Management and Law, vol. 22, no 3, p. 241-251. Dreeszen, C. (1987), Fundamentals of Arts Management, University of Massachusetts Press, 185 p. Dunbar, Ann (1986), Alice in Arts Administration, Washington, Woodchuck Press, 64 p. Evrard, Yves (1993), Le Management des entreprises artistiques et culturelles, Paris, Economica, 391 p. Gibson, Shirley M. (1986), The Cultural Imperative: Creating New Management for the Arts, Toronto, Association of Cultural Executives, 187 p. Guiot, Jean M. (1988), Arts Councils as Organized Anarchies and Factor Regulatory Agencies: Some Comments on the Bureaucratization of Artistic Production, working paper 88-37, University of Ottawa, Administration Faculty, 13 p. Horwitz, T. (1978), Arts Administration: How to Set Up and Run Successful Nonprofit Arts Organizations, Chicago, Press Review, 256 p. Jeffri, J. (1980), The Emerging Arts: Management, Survival, and Growth, New York, Praeger, 245 p. Jeffri, J. (1988), «Notes from Artplex: Research Issues in Arts Administration», Journal of Arts Management and Law, vol. 18, no 1, p. 5. Kaderlan, Norman S. (1981), The Arts Administrator: The Nature of the Role and its Organizational Environment, Madison, WI, Center for Arts Administration, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 62 p. Langley, Stephen (1990), Jobs in Arts and Media Management, New York, American Council for the Arts, 281 p. Lapierre, L. (1978), «La gestion des arts et l'art de la gestion», Gestion, Revue internatio-nale de gestion, avril 1978, vol. 3, no 2, p. 16-25. Lapierre, Laurent (1990), L'art de gérer les arts : la gestion : un art? Gère-t-on les arts?, Montréal, École des Hautes Études Commerciales, notes pour une conférence, 28 p. McDaniel, Nello (1990), Rethinking and Restructuring the Arts Organization, New York, FEDAPT, 141 p. Mollard, C. (1989), Profession : Ingénieur culturel, Éditions Charles le Bouil, 176 p. Pick, John (1986), Managing the Arts?: the British Experience, London, Rhinegold, 215 p. Powers, L. (1987), Management of the Small Dance Organization, Thèse M.A., American University, 73 p. Purser, Rosemary C. (1990), The American Performing Arts Organization: Scenario for Survival, Ann Arbor, Mich., UMI Dissertation Information Service, 457 p. Raymond, T.; Greyser, S. (1978), «The Business of Managing the Arts», Harvard Business Review, vol. 56, p. 123-132. Raymond, Thomas C. (1975), Cases in Arts Administration, Cambridge, Mass., Arts Administration Research Institute, 389 p. Reiss, Alvin H. (1979), The Arts Management Reader, New York, Audience Arts. Rohrer, G. J. (1985), The Nature of Managerial Work in Cultural Organizations, UMI Dissertation Information Service, 119 p. Shore, H. (1987), Arts Administration and Management: A Guide for Arts Administrators and Their Staff, New York, Quorum Books, 218 p. Truskot, Joseph; Anita Belosky et Karen Kittilstad, éds (1984), Principles of Orchestra Management, 3e édition, Washington, D.C., American Symphony Orchestra League, 586 p. University of Massachusetts, Arts Extension Service (1987), Fundamentals of Arts Management, Amherst, University of Massachusetts, 185 p. Organisation et gestion d'un Conseil d'administration (établissement culturel) Carver, J. (1990), Boards That Make a Difference: A New Design for Leadership in Nonprofit and Public Organizations, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 242 p. Conseil pour le monde des affaires et des arts du Canada (1987), Developing Effective Arts Boards, Don Mills, 44 p. Houle, Cyril O. (1990), Governing Boards, Their Nature and Nurture, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 223 p. McDaniel, Nello, éds. (1992), Arts Boards: Myths, Perspectives, and New Approaches, Dubuque, Kendall/Hunt Publ., 175 p. McDaniel, Nello; Thorn, George, éds. (1990), «Governance in the arts: Trusteeship in Transition», numéro spécial de The Journal of Arts Management and Law, vol. 20, no 2, summer 1990. Paquet, Marion A. (1988), Guide des administrateurs d'organisations culturelles : rôles, obligations et fonctions, Waterloo, Presses de l'Université de Waterloo, 73 p. Paquet, Marion A; Humphries, Jill (1993), Pour favoriser l'essor des conseils culturels : une bibliographie annotée, Centre for Cultural Management, University of Waterloo, 73 p. Économie Association for Cultural Economics (1989), Cultural Economics 88: A Canadian Perspecti-ve, 285 p. Baumol, W. J.; Bowen, W. G. (1966), Performing Arts: The Economic Dilemma, MIT Press, 582 p. Dupuis, X.; Rouet, F. (1987), Économie et culture, Paris, La Documentation française, 4 volumes. Financement privé Brebisson, Guy de (1986), Le Mécénat, Paris, PUF, coll. Que sais-je, 127 p. Jeffri, J. (1989), ArtsMoney: Raising It, Saving It, and Earning It, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 292 p. Vescia, R. (1987), Le Mécénat, Paris, Economica, 250 p. Musées Côté, M. (ed) (1991), Musées et Gestion, Québec, Musée de la civilisation, 170 p. Côté, M.; Routhier, C. (1992), Bibliographie sélective en gestion muséale, Québec, Musée de la civilisation, 116 p. Meyer, K. E. (1979), The Art Museum: Power, Money, Ethics, New York, W. Morrow and Co., 352 p. Michaud, Y. (1989), L'artiste et les commissaires, Nîmes, Éditions Jacqueline Chambon, 244 p. Sicotte, G., Séguin, F., Lapierre, L. (1993), Roland Arpin et le Musée de la civilisation, Ste-Foy, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 170 p. Politique culturelle Arpin, R. (1991), Une politique de la culture et des arts, Québec, Gouvernement du Québec, 326 p. Banfield, E.C. (1984), The Democratic Muse: Visual Arts and the Public Interest, New York, Basic Books, 243 p. Benedict, S. (1991), Public Money and the Muse, New York, W.W. Norton and Co., 290 p. Fumaroli, M. (1991), L'État culturel : Essai sur une religion moderne, Paris, Éditions de Fallois, 306 p. Lewis, Justin (1990), Art, Culture and Enterprise: The Politics of Art and the Cultural Industries, London, Routledge, 164 p. Wallon, E. (1991), L'artiste et le prince : pouvoirs publics et création, Québec, Musée de la civilisation, 286 p. Woodcock, G. (1985), Strange Bedfellows: The State and the Arts in Canada, Vancouver, Douglas & McIntyre, 198 p. Théâtre Féral, J. (1990), La culture contre l'art : essai d'économie politique du théâtre, Sillery, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 341 p. Langley, S. (1980), Theatre Management in America, Principle and Practice, New York, Drama Book Specialists, 2e ed., 490 p. Lapierre, L. (1981), Le théâtre et la gestion : de la mise en scène de l'entreprise théâtrale, Rapport théorique, Université McGill, 160 p. Lapierre, L. (1984), Le(la) metteur(e) en scène de théâtre : un(e) gestionnaire, Thèse de doctorat non publiée, Université McGill, 498 p. Lapierre, L. (1985), «Mise en scène et gestion», Gestion, Revue internationale de gestion, septembre, vol. 10, no 3, p. 28-38. Actes de colloques et de conférences Association of Performing Arts Presenters (1990), Forging Alliances - 33rd Annual Conference, Washington, The Association, 169 p. Association of Performing Arts Presenters (1991), Confronting Crisis; Creating Change - 35th Annual Conference, Washington, The Association, 159 p. Conférence internationale sur la gestion des arts (1992), Actes de la première conférence internationale sur la gestion des arts tenue à l'École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal, HEC/Waterloo U. Press, 702 p. Management Arts and Culture International Association (1993), Actes de la deuxième conférence internationale sur le management des arts et de la culture, Paris, Groupe HEC Jouy-en-Josas, France, 2 volumes, n.p. Gestion des bénévoles Brainerd, Susan; Kuyper, Joan (eds) (1987), «Volunteerism in the Arts», Special Issue, Journal of Arts Management and Law, vol. 17, no 2, 106 p. Kuyper, Joan (1993), Volunteer Administration, American Guide for the Arts, 137 p. Planification stratégique Bryson, John M. (1989), Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, San Francisco, Jossey Bass Publishers, 311 p. Hay, R. D. (1990), Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations, Quorum, 398 p. Neeley, Cathy L. (1987), Strategic Management in the Live, Nonprofit, Professional, Performing Arts: An Analysis of Professional Symphony Orchestras and Development of A Performing Arts Prescriptive Model, thèse de doctorat de Tennessee University, 402 p.
Sites web Agence Européenne de Management Culturel
articles en langue anglaise
· Ashenfelter, Orley, How auctions work for wine and art, Journal of Economic Perspectives 3 (1989), 23-36. · Baumol, William J., Unnatural value: Or art investment as floating crap game, American Economic Review 76 (1986), 10-14.(*) · Bergonzi, Louis, and Julia Smith, Effects of Arts Education on the Participation in the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, 1996. · Buelens, Nathalie, and Victor Ginsburgh, Revisiting Baumol's "Art investment as floating crap game," European Economic Review 37 (1993), 1351-1371. · Feldstein, Martin, ed., The Economics of Art Museums, University of Chicago Press, 1991. · Filer, Randall K., The starving artist -- myth or reality? Earning of artists in the United States, Journal of Political Economy 94 (1986), 56-75.(*) · Frey, Bruno S., and Reiner Eichenberger, On the rate of return in the art market: Survey and evaluation, European Economic Review 39 (1995), 529-537. · Ginsburgh, Victor, ed., Economics of Art and Culture: Invited Papers at the 12th International Conference of the Association of Cultural Economics International, Elsevier, 2004. · Ginsburgh, Victor, and David Throsby, Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture, North Holland, 2005. Survey papers prepared by the best specialists in each field. · Ginsburgh, Victor, and Pierre-Michel Menger, eds., Economics of the Arts, North Holland, 1996. · Haskell, Francis, Rediscoveries in Art: Some Aspects of Taste, Fashion and Collecting in England and in France, Phaidon Press, 1980. · Heilbrun, James, and Charles M. Gray, The Economics of Art and Culture: An American Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 1997. · Hoskins, Colin, Stuart McFadyen, and Adam Finn, Global Television and Film, Clarendon Press, 1997. · Landes, William M., Winning the art lottery: The economic returns to the Ganz collection, Recherches Economiques de Louvain 66 (2000), 111-130. · Merryman, John H., and Albert E. Elsen, Law, Ethics and the Visual Arts, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998. · Netzer, Dick, The Subsidized Muse: Public Support for the Arts in the United States, Cambridge University Press, 1978. · O'Hagan, John W., The State and the Arts. An Analysis of Key Economic Policy Issues in Europe and the United States, Edward Elgar, 1998. · Rosen, Sherwin, The economics of superstars, American Economic Review 71 (1981), 845-858.(*) · Seaman, Bruce A., Art impact studies: A fashionable excess, in Economic Impact of the Arts: A Sourcebook, National Conference of State Legislatures, 1987. · Schuster, J. Mark, ed., Preserving the Built Heritage: Tools for Implementation, University Press of New England, 1997. · Scitovsky, Tibor, What's wrong with the arts is what's wrong with society, American Economic Review 62 (1972), 62-69. · Stigler, George J., and Gary S. Becker, De gustibus non est disputandum, American Economic Review 67 (1977), 76-90.(*) · Throsby, David, The production and consumption of the arts: A view of cultural economics, Journal of Economic Literature 32 (1994), 1-29.(*) · Throsby, David, Economics and Culture, Cambridge University Press, 2001. · Wassal, Gregory H., and Neil O. Alper, Toward a unified theory of the determinants of the earnings of artists, in Ruth Towse and Abdul Kakhee, eds., Cultural Economics, Springer Verlag, 1992.(*)