Associate Professor Frederic Gimello-Mesplomb
University of Lorraine (France) - Dpt. of Film Studies
Educational Background
- Ph.D in Film studies, University of Toulouse le Mirail, 2000
- Unit Degree in English Literature & Film, University of California, Berkeley, 1999
- Post-graduate Degree (DEA) in French comparative Literature, University of Toulouse, 1997
- Summa cum Laude
- Exceptional Distinction in the Film History major
- B.A., M.A., University of Bordeaux, 1995, 1996
Previous positions
- Research fellow: French National Centre for Scientific Research (2000-2004)
- Lecturer : University of Avignon, Paris, Metz, Toulouse (2000-2003)
Honors and Fellowships
- University of California Fellowship, Berkeley (1999, residency) (approx. $10,000)
- National Film Critic's Prize, French Ministry of Youngness (1996) ($2,000)
- Master's Thesis nominated for the International Filipo Sacchi Prize (International Film Critic's Competition organized in Italia)
- Resistance Dissertation Award, National Foundation for the memory of Holocaust (1992)
French & International academic responsibilities
- European Commission ( Brussels) : Expert-evaluator of proposals submitted by teachers and researchers to the Sixth Framework Human Resources and Mobility Program in the area of the human and social sciences: Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (Individual fellowships); Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early Stage Training, Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge (2003-….)
- French National Scientific Research Committee : elected member and appointed for four-year terms for the evaluation of public labs & researchers in the human and social sciences fields (2004 -….)
- French Ministry of Culture : expert for the evaluation of projects submitted for public funding in the video & multimedia area (2004 -….)
Fields of research
My research topics are about the public policies of support for culture and to the socio-economy of the media. Two directions can be distinguished :
- Cultural policies / evaluation of the public policies of support for cultural industries : definition of the themes privileged by the commissions of support, stakes of the official supervisions, qualitative indicators about films / artists granted.
- Economy of cinema and television: Advances on receipts, support of French hertzian televisions in film production funding, France-Hollywood relations. Evaluation of the impact of the Canal+ chain in the public policy of support for the French cinema in the Eighties and Nineties. Evaluation of the impact of the exchange of cultural files in “peer to peer”.
- Institutional history of the cinema : history of relations between state and cinema in France. History of film-exhibition in france.
- Political sociology of culture : comparative approach between cinema industry social movements in France / European countries and USA. Origins of cultural exceptionalism
in France (French cinema). Relations between cinema and national identity.
- Sociology of the expertise in the support for the culture and the media : professional commissions, networks, trade unions, lobbying, processes of legitimation of the choices, social stakes of the media.
Recent publications
- Gimello-Mesplomb F. (2004), “can ”, in The audiovisual Liberation, technological, economic and lawful stakes (Thomas Paris and all.), Paris: Dalloz Press.
- Gimello-Mesplomb, F.:“The price of quality : French State and the cinema (1960-1965) ”, in Politix, review of social sciences of the policy, special issue "Politicies of cinema" (Jean-Marc Leveratto, Fabrice Montebello and all.), Vol. 16 n° 61, 2003, pp. 97-115.
complete list of the publications
Recent communications
- April 13, 2005: “ cultural diversity: an engine for the process of Internationalization of the public policies of support for the audio-visual one? ”, seminar of Comparative Research the Interdisciplinary Center in Social Sciences (CIR-Paris) “ Management of cultural diversity in Europe ”, Paris: April 13.
- April 6, 2005: “ Economic Stakes and policies related to the defense of cultural diversity as regards cinema ”, conference “the cinema in the center of the glances: prospects - futurologies”, University of Avignon.
to listen (Windows media player)
- October 14 200:. Round table “Of working to the setting in scene of reality ” (starting from film of J-F Ternay), with Baudoin Jurdant (Dir. of the UFR Information sciences and Communication, Univ. Paris VII, Denis Sergeant (scientific journalist), Denis Ruellan (Dir. of the department information-communication, IUT University of Rennes 1), Frederic Gimello-Mesplomb (Dir. of the GDR GREPIC, Univ. from Metz).